Blackburn Challenge Event Sponsorship Program
In the early 1980s a group of committed North Shore rowers and paddlers decided it would be fun to organize some events in the area to promote traditional watercraft and sport participation. The 6-mile Essex River Race was the first event run by the club, beginning in 1982.
Based on the early success in Essex, a more ambitious idea was “floated“, based on a challenge first laid down by Gloucester’s well known yacht designer Phil Bolger and published in the Gloucester Daily Times on July 16, 1966 - to beat his time of 5:40 rowing around Cape Ann (in a 15’ plywood dory of his design). The legend of Gloucesterman Howard Blackburn’s survival in a blizzard off the coast of Newfoundland in 1883 and his rise to local legend status provided a great backstory. The inaugural Blackburn Challenge took place in 1983, 100 years after Howard’s amazing survival row. This 20-mile challenge draws 350 to 400 participants to Cape Ann each July and has become the premier open water rowing/paddling event on the eastern seaboard of the US.
The Cape Ann Rowing Club is the body of volunteers that organizes and runs the Blackburn Challenge. The primary purpose is to draw together the community of like-minded individuals who express their love of the water by pushing themselves in these and other regional competitions. This event draws participants from around the world, but most (90%) come from the eastern seaboard, from Washington DC to Maine. Over the years the Cape Ann Rowing Club has promoted the beauty of our natural coastal environments, built a community of thousands of rowing and paddlesports participants, raised money for good causes, and stimulated positive goodwill towards our regional tourism economy.
In an effort to sustain the ongoing tradition and benefits of these great events, CARC offers an ANNUAL EVENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM. Becoming an EVENT SPONSOR will bring visibility and recognition to businesses that are both part of the North Shore economy and value the unique demographic of event participants.
Oscar Chalupsky: “No Retreat, No Surrender”
Howard Blackburn survived a dramatic winter storm off Newfoundland as a Gloucester fishing schooner dory man. His heroic tale was further enhanced by two solo sail crossings of the Atlantic Ocean singlehanded (not to mention with few fingers). Howard’s spirit of tenacious survival and ocean skills underpin our annual challenge to circumnavigate 20 miles around Cape Ann.
Oscar Chalupsky, a legend of open water racing worldwide, is coming to the Blackburn once more. His memoir “NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER” describes both his amazing world class athletic career and his battle with cancer. When last he paddled the Blackburn it was with longtime Joe Glickman who at the time was fighting his own cancer battle, to which he succumbed. Additionally, our dear friend and long time Challenger Henry Szostek succumbed to cancer on June 5th of this year.
In honor of Oscar, Henry, Joe, and everyone in our community affected by cancer, the Cape Ann Rowing Club’s 2023 fundraising initiative was titled the “Cancer Warrior and Awareness Drive”.
Through this fundraising effort we raised several thousand dollars to donate to the Jimmy Fund and raised awareness around early detection for Melanoma and other forms of cancer. Oscar spoke and signed copies of his book at the finish line for participants.
The Cape Ann Rowing Club continues to raise funds for the Gorton’s Specialty and Cancer Care Center at Addison Gilbert Hospital. As of 2004, all profits generated by the Blackburn Challenge are now dedicated to AGH.
2025 Blackburn Challenge “Cancer Warrior and Awareness“ Event Sponsorship Program
Title Sponsor: $6000 (1 spot)
Top tier presence on all CARC website and social media postings
Website links and display on all online registration forms
Logo and name placement on race event shirts
Company banner at finish line and awards ceremony
Social Media pre-race blast featuring company logo and links
Public announcements at race starts and finish and awards
Post- race social media blasts with race times publication
Potential additional race goods with logo
Appearance time with Oscar Chalupsky
4 race entries
Event Sponsor: $3000 (2 spots)
Event Sponsors will receive logo and link presence on CARC website
Social Media pre-race blasts will include logo and links
Logo/name on event hats
Post-race social media recognition with race times publication
Public announcement at race start, finish and awards
Logo on event banner
2 race entries
Team Oscar Sponsor: $1000 (5 spots)
Contributing Sponsors will receive logo display on CARC website
Social media pre-race blasts recognition
Social media post-race blast recognition
Logo on event banner
Public announcement at race start, finish and awards
1 race/team entry
Two race hoodies
I am a Warrior: $400.00 (20 spots)
Public announcement at race start, finish and awards
1 race entry
One race hoodie
All event sponsors will receive a tax-deductible receipt from the Cape Ann Rowing Club, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
To inquire about or secure your event sponsorship, please contact:
Inquiries: Bob Blair, CARC President -president@capeannrowingclub.com / 978-884-3900
Checks/Correspondence: Cape Ann Rowing Club, PO Box 705, Rowley, MA 01969